If we want to change the world, begin by my making your bed

There can hardly be anything more arduous than completing US Navy SEAL training. It’s 6 months of physical and psychological hell. The idea is that only the very toughest and most determined make it through to the end.

Admiral William H. McRaven is a Navy SEAL. In this fabled speech to a graduation class from his University of Texas alma mater, Admiral McRaven uses the university’s motto – What Starts Here Changes Lives – to help us overcome any and all of the obstacles that life presents.

The power of Admiral McRaven’s speech comes from the way he uses simple anecdotes from his SEALs training to offer profound lessons so we can build our resilience

His Navy SEAL training insights include:
Make our beds every morning – it’s our first task and sets us up for the rest of the day
•    Paddle in unison – teamwork is essential
•    The small guys always win the races – it’s the size of our heart that matters
•    Our uniform is never going to be perfect – never expect perfection
•    Don’t be afraid of the Circus – move-on after setbacks
•    Go headfirst – take risks
•    Swim with the sharks – we must confront our fears
•    Never ring the bell – don’t quit.

Admiral McRaven says his Navy SEAL training represented a lifetime of challenges crammed into 6 months.

Fortunately, we have his experience, his wisdom, his judgement, and his clarity in how we can overcome these challenges.

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